Planet of the Apps

This years 'Planet of the Apps' explored the world of apps (predominantly mobile) through the eyes of different demographics both past and present. 

Speakers from some of the globes leading organisations highlighted their own experiences giving advice to businesses and startups alike. 

This years speakers included the Co-founder of Rovio, PopCap's Game Editor, VP at MTV,  Hipstamatic's CEO and the Co-founder of Layar.

Each speaker brought something different to the table. I found myself especially interested in the startups who's business revolve around an innovative application much more so then the larger brands who have invested in apps once their business was a success. 

Some really good points were addressed during the conference and I would recommend attending Planet of the Apps to brands, entrepreneurs and those within the mobile sector.

Mark Curtis (Fjord)

Mark Curtis

Peter Vesterbacka (Rovia / Angry Birds)

Peter Vesterbacka

Robin Wauters (TechCrunch /


Chief Wonka (Ustwo)

Cheif Wonka

Maarten Lens- Fitzgerald (Layar)

Maartin Layars

Attendees networking over lunch

Planet of the Apps Conference

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