Online Awareness & Digital PR for DeadSocial

Over the last three months we have spent most of our time dedicated to the launch, development and promotion of the software DeadSocial. We launched the software at SXSW (USA) and have been in overdrive mode ever since.

Below is some of the work we have created and some of the PR attained in the last three months:

*DeadSocial featured on the BBC's flagship technology program 'Click'

*DeadSocial Launch Party Video

*DeadSocial Popup Shop (London) for Dying Matters Awareness Week 2012

A list of the speakers and participants for our Dying Matters Awareness Week Popup shop can be found here

*DeadSocial featured on NTV, a major Russian TV Network

Further DeadSocial press screenshots can be viewed  here

*DeadSocial Artwork

We are currently forging the DeadSocial brand through design, research and development. Here is some of the artwork that we have put together inhouse:

Gabriel, DeadSocial         DeadSocial Computer         Dorothy, there is no place like the homepage

We have also created a number of "social media sharing cards. Here is an example of one of them.

Winston Churchill

To read other famous quotes on life and death simply 'Like'

*Platform development, user experience, deep social media integration and bug testing:

If you or your company would like Social Media Strategist to help your business drive awareness and build a more profitable business feel free to contact us. We carry out transparent, high quality services and are trusted by brands and organisations large and small

Online PR Specialist

Once the world is ready to hear about your product or organisation PR is a great way to shout about it. Although the traditional way that PR works has changed dramatically over the last few years there are still a number of traditional (and not so traditional) ways that the word can hear about about how amazing the thing you want to shout about is

I work a little differently to most other PR firms who ask for a retainer or charge a certain amount each month. My services are totally transparent. I show each client how much work I have carried out at the end each week and provide in depth and honest reports highlighting the results.

As a direct response my clients have been featured in a huge range of large and targeted publications. These range from The BBC, The Guardian  and The Wall Street Journal to Forbes, NBC, The Next Web and Techcrunch..

For more information about how PR may help elevate your business reach call 07868 823055