Monitoring Social Media 2010

Organisations & brands are looking beyond listening to their customers and asking "Now that I have all this data, how can I use it?". Monitoring Social Media 2010 (#MSM10) aims to first address how to listen to and monitor social media. It will then explore what to do with the data once you have attained it.

Topics covered in the conference will include:

* Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services
* Brand and Reputation Management
* Sentiment Detection and Analysis
* Data Quality and Filtering
* Identifying and Connecting with Influencers
* Beyond Listening: Measurement and ROI
* The Future of Social Media Monitoring
* Case studies and Best Practice

I will be at #MSM10 bright and early and there until the last networking drink has been slurped. My clients & blog readers are able to claim a 10% discount by entering the coupon code 'Social10' before purchasing a ticket. For more information visit Monitoring Social Media 2010.