Last weekend I participated in the weekend hack 'Startup Weekend Cambridge'. The weekend event was run alongside simultaneous Startup Weekend events across the globe. The events pull together a range of past, present and future entrepreneurs for a weekend of collaboration and innovation
The concept behind Startup Weekend (and other such ‘hack’ events) is for individuals to work together to create platforms over a short period of time (in this case three days).
I worked in team of five great people to devise, create and present an Android mobile application. It is now available in beta and can be downloaded from the ‘Android Market’ by clicking here.
The application uses the individuals geographical location and provides the user with a sentiment feed from twitter (using the term “I feel…”)
The tweets that use this term near the individual are mapped around them and viewable on the individual’s mobile phone. Users are able to respond to this sentiment by replying to the Tweets. This sentimental response it tagged to the area in which the response happened.
Users are not required to login to the application and can create content relevant to geographical locations anonymously.
Startup Weekend Cambridge was a great experience and I look forward to the London leg soon ☺