Being English I drink tea… Being a bit of a workaholic I drink coffee. I probably drink between half and three quarters of a pint of milk each day.

Most of us Brits drink milk and buy milk according to our needs and the needs of those who we live with. Most families and cohabitating households roughly know how much milk they need to purchase and when to buy it.

Milk is bought and drunk in accordance with a range of factors. These factors may include and range from who purchased the last pint, how long it's been in the fridge and how much milk each person normally drinks . "Artificial milk ecosystems' (or "MilkOSystems") can be found in millions of homes across the UK and Ireland.


Generally speaking MlkoSystems rely on certain steady variables (some of which have been outlined above). However, disaster can strike when things go wrong…. An unexpected guest, changes in the shopping routine, a housemate going away on holiday or a desire to eat custard for pudding. These are all factors that need to be considered and addressed on a regular basis. A successful MilkoSystem is about having just the right amount of milk at any one moment in time. Too much milk can lead to it going off and being wasted. Too little milk can may lead to an evening without a cup of tea or even missing out on breakfast (the most important meal of the day).

The MilkoSystem was is a term given to the the milk ecosystem favoured by the British public. It was created 15 minutes ago by me. I not work for Apple and will not sue you for using the term (I would be flattered if you adopted it).

More information about Milk can be found here