Research recently carried out by StrongMail states that brands are planning to increase their marketing spend on Social Media in 2012. Huge increases in email marketing spend (60%), social media (55%) and mobile (37%) are forecast.

Social Media Spend 2012

Survey Statistics

✔ 92% plan to increase or maintain marketing spend in 2012

✔ 60% plan to increase email marketing budget; 55% social media; 37% mobile/search (tied)

✔ 45% cite data integration as primary email marketing challenge in 2012; 43% lack of resources/staff; 40% content management

✔ 48% cite increasing subscriber engagement as top 2012 email marketing initiative; 44% improving segmentation/targeting; 32% growing opt-in email list

✔ 68% plan to integrate email marketing with social media; 44% with mobile; 17% with search

Social Media Strategist provides innovative and effective digital marketing services. My overheads are low and my dayrate (£300 a day) reflects this.

To discuss your marketing objectives for this year call: 07868 823055